
A secure web tunnel method             Spanish


Concrete example #2:

A VNC tunnel between two web sites


                                                           Rubén Cisneros

<cisneror at tb-solutions.com>

Pablo J. Royo  

<royop at tb-solutions.com>


1.      Introducción


In this concrete example, we will stablish a secure connection between a VNC (Virtual Network Computing) client ant its server. Although we have made tests using Microsoft Terminal Server obtaining satisfactory results, here it is not shown how to use it, but it is so easy and similar to VNC.


Following next steps, you will be able to see other machine´s screen in a secure manner.



  1. Using VNC with SPipe:


First, you need some program which adds SSL encryption to your VNC protocol, so the other side, who understands SSL, may decrypt the incoming bytes and then forward them to your VNC Server.
You can do this making your VNC client to send bytes to a STunnel daemon (http://www.stunnel.org) or using also another SPipe enabled web server. The important thing is to produce SSL encrypted outgoing bytes. You will need this machines and network structure:






It works as other examples: the VNC client  connects to a mod_ssl + SPipe enabled Apache (Apache on the left) OR a STunnel daemon.  That wdaemon (web server or STunnel),  connects to the other end web server (Apache on the right, also with enabled mod_ssl + SPipe) and then it ciphers the communication channel, using SSL.  This servers deciphers input bytes, then performs the the connection to VNC Server.

So, this way, VNC Client and VNC Server are still using its native protocol, and we have used SPipe to forward and communicate the bytes in transparent form to both of them.


  1. Apache configuration:


If you choose to use a STunnel daemon to cipher your outgoing VNC protocol, go to POINT 2. If you use another Apache Web Server, to  achieve that , we must configure our two web servers this way, after having patched mod_ssl with Spipe.



First web server must use a VirtualHost listening in VNC port, 5900. That port is INTERNAL to your LAN/network, because it will receive only connections from your network, so you  DON’T need to open it in firewall. Nobody will connect from outside your network yo it. So, you configure a virtual host on your Apache, in 5900 port. Could we use other port? . Yes, it depends on what your VNC Client allows you to do. However ,actually VNC uses that port, and you can´t change it in VNC Client, so then there is no option but use a 5900 port as your destination.



<VirtualHost *:5900>

ServerAdmin webmaster@webserver-company.com

      DocumentRoot "htdocs/webserver-company.com/"

ServerName webserver-company.com

ErrorLog logs/ssl/error_log

CustomLog logs/ssl/access_log common


      SSLEngine   on


      # Number of second Spipe will expect bytes from client

      # before forwarding to SSLSPipeUrl

      SSLSPipeWait      2


      # Address to which SPipe will forward VNC incoming bytes

      # ‘s’ letter in port stands for “secure” forwarding

      # This Apache server will receive raw VNC protocol bytes, so it must

      # handle input as such, with no SSL.


      SSLSPipeUrl webserver-delegacion.com:443s



      SSLCertificateFile conf/certs/webserver-empresa. crt

      SSLCertificateKeyFile conf/certs/webserver-empresa.key    




As you see,  that VirtualHost has, apart from other normal directives, somo others:


      SSLSPipeWait      2


            This is the time in seconds SPipe will wait before assuming that connection will not send any byte, so he must forward it to configured server in next directive. As you will be receivin a LAN connection, 2 or 3 seconds will suffice.


      SSLSPipeUrl webserver-delegacion.com:443s


            This is the server to which your incomming non-SSL connection will be forwarded. Here, you will forward bytes ciphering them for next apache server, so you put a ‘s’ letter to indicate Spipe it must cipher outgoing forwarded bytes.




This directive is to say SPipe don´t to decipher incoming bytes, because they arrive without SSL. If not set, Spipe would try to read bytes as if they came with SSL, thus giving rise error.



Now, you must configure the second web server, so it will receive incoming SSL ciphered bytes (remember ‘s’ letter on first server forward.This was its reason) and will decipher them, forwarding deciphered protocol to final real VNC server.


So, to enable your 443 secure port to receive VNC you put:


<VirtualHost *:443>

ServerAdmin webmaster@webserver-delegacion.com

DocumentRoot htdocs/webserver-delegacion.com

ServerName webserver-delegacion.com

ErrorLog logs/ssl/error_log

CustomLog logs/ssl/access_log common


SSLEngine   on


      SSLSPipeWait      2

      # Address to which you will forward incoming deciphered bytes

      # if they are not HTTP.(VNC in this case)

      # I.e , this is your final VNC server


      SSLSPipeUrl host-VNCserver:5900


      SSLCertificateFile conf/certs/webserver-delegacion.crt

      SSLCertificateKeyFile conf/certs/webserver-delegacion.key 





Notice we don’t need here SSLInputNoSSL directive, because this server WILL receibe SSL ciphered bytes.


The omportant thing here, is to forward incomming deciphered protocol to its final server, which is a VNC server.


Let’s test this system.


  1. Testing all:


Lets supose you have installed your final Windows VNCServer in  host-VNCserver, listening and waiting for connections to arrive. As a background task, you will have an icon in your task bar:



Now you launch your VNC client as allways, but giving as destination not your final VNCServer (which could be thousands of miles in other LAN) but your configured outgoing Apache machine:



So, if you are going to use the 0 display:



And now, after clicking OK button the connection should proceed, but in a secure way.


  1. References:


This is the  Real VNC client we have use, but there are some others:


http://www.realvnc.com: You can download the client and server programs, and the source code, for Windows and Linux.